Monero (XMR) is now Automatic!

Par sys-admin @ 2017-08-29 20:02:03

Dear customers,

We would like to inform that Monero (XMR) payments are now processed in automatic mode, so there is no need to contact support any longer to get your service up and running.

Thanks for your support!

Shared Web Hosting is now live!

Par sys-admin @ 2017-08-23 21:02:07

Dear Customers/ future customers,

Our Shared Web Hosting plans are now live and ready to take orders.

hPanel v1.7.0.1708:

+ Added Shared Web Hosting system
~ Improvements here and there

Need a bigger plan or Want to get a Reseller account? Get in touch, send us a ticket.

[hPanel] New update

Par sys-admin @ 2017-08-22 01:03:15

Good news, hPanel was just updated and improved for our loved customers.

hPanel v1.6.6.1708:

+ Added Advanced Configuration for KVM (CPU passthrough and NIC driver selection)
+ Added Anti-DDoS IP Protection on/off switch button
+ Added Nullroute status
+ Added KVM ISO Upload
- Bug fixes
~ Improvements here and there

Enjoy the updates!
Shared Web Hosting is coming next, stay tuned...

New hPanel update

Par sys-admin @ 2017-08-11 20:11:55

Good news, hPanel was just updated and improved.

hPanel v1.6.0.1708:

+ Added noVNC HTML5 console
- Fixed bandwidth meter
~ Improvements here and there

Hope you all like.

New hPanel update

Par sys-admin @ 2017-08-02 19:14:30

Good day!

We have been working on enabling some features as well as several improvements and little fixes here and there.

hPanel v1.5.0.1708:

+ Added backups section (requires backup service add-on)

+ Added rDNS and IPv6 support (partially)

~ Improved Support Tickets.

~ Improved VPS creation, best node selection algorithm and tasks.

- Bug fixes here and there.

More is on the way, stay tuned.

État du service
Aucun problème connu. Tous les systèmes sont en ligne
(Mise à jour toutes les 5 minutes)