News - Service status
Maintenance Success
By sys-admin @ 2018-01-23 00:37:31Dear Customers,
The maintenance jobs were executed successfully.
We'll keep you online.
Thank you for your continuous support and trust!
Zcash and Ethereum are now automatic!
By sys-admin @ 2018-01-20 23:47:20Greetings!
We'd like to let you know that Zcash and Ethereum payments are now being processed automatically.
We've also improved VPS network statistic graphs to show accurate traffic data.
hPanel v1.11.5:
+ Added automatic support for Ethereum payments
+ Added automatic support for Zcash payments
~ VPS network traffic graphs improved
Have a nice day/night!
Happy New Year!
By sys-admin @ 2017-12-31 17:59:50Happy New Year 2018%!
NiceVPS team wish you the best for this new year.
Start the year saving big with the hosting that respects you:
Use HAPPY2018 promo code for a 18% discount.
(valid on every order over €25 till 2018-01-07)
TOR onion URL is now available
By sys-admin @ 2017-12-27 11:47:10We have enabled a .onion link to be able to access our website through the TOR network.
If you can use TOR, it is recommended that you use our .onion service URL to access your account.
TOR link: https://nicevps66zvn6a47.onion