Domain transfers are now possible

Par sys-admin @ 2018-04-06 18:19:16

Dear friends,

Our panel has been updated and it’s now possible to transfer your current domain to our system.
You can do so in the domain registration page, just click transfer and follow the instructions.

Best wishes!

[hPanel] v2 launched

Par sys-admin @ 2018-03-21 12:59:50

Dear customers,

As you may have noticed we've updated our system and released a new version of our panel.
Some other improvements will be soon published.

Hope you find it convenient.
Thank you!

hPanel v2.0.1b:
+ Added domain configuration wizard and renewal options
+ Added renewal options and labels per service
+ Added bulk VPS manager
+ Added bulk domain manager
+ Added knowledgebase
~ Core changes
~ Queue based tasks
~ Domain management panel improved
~ Other improvements
- Various fixes

[hPanel] New update

Par sys-admin @ 2018-03-01 22:10:29


We just added a landing home page with our main features, a little FAQ and our offered services.

We'd also like to inform that segwit bech32 addresses will be implemented soon for Bitcoin, as well as Bitcoin Cash new address format, so keep in mind and update your wallets as soon as possible.

hPanel v1.12.3:
+ Landing Home page added
+ Added WebMoney payment method
~ Miscellaneous improvements

New lunar year!

Par sys-admin @ 2018-02-17 16:58:26

Hey there,

To celebrate the lunar new year we're offering a 18% discount till Monday (minimum order of €18)
Use promo code: 4716


❤ Much Love!

Par sys-admin @ 2018-02-11 22:26:31


To show you our love, we're giving out a loving 14% off for every order over 20€ using code:


Much love ❤

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