Happy New Year 2022!

By sys-admin @ 2021-12-31 17:58:37

Happy New Year 2022%!

NiceVPS team wish you the best for you, your family and friends.

Start the year saving big with the hosting that respects you:
Use HAPPY2022 promo code for a 22% discount.
(valid on every order over €50 till 2022-01-05)

Control panel for dedicated servers available

By sys-admin @ 2021-09-26 16:26:15

We would like to announce the release of the control panel for the dedicated servers. Now all customers who own a dedicated server have the ability to manage and control the server directly from our web interface.

dedicated server control panel

We hope you find it convenient, thank you.

Added Stunnel (SSL Tunnel) and Obfsproxy for VPN

By sys-admin @ 2021-08-17 14:24:36


We have added Stunnel and Obfsproxy support for VPN customers, this should allow to bypass connecting to our VPN server under restrictive firewalls that use DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) to block OpenVPN traffic.

At the VPN management panel, please click on "Select All" > "Download ZIP" to download required configuration files.

Soon more information at the control panel with detailed instructions.

Have a nice day!

Tor v3 onion address

By sys-admin @ 2021-05-29 13:17:43


A few weeks ago our Tor links were updated adding support for the new v3 onion address, by end of June 2021 we will remove the v2 address so the only available onion address will be the new v3 below:

TOR v3 Link: https://nicevpsb7u3vqpo5zhyahmvfi5tihon4gnh676ucmzpcyxwodeztr4yd.onion

Please remember to add the SSL certificate exception when accessing via Tor, the certificate is valid for our main domain.

Thank you!

Happy New Year Savings!

By sys-admin @ 2020-12-31 18:06:40

Happy New Year 2021%!

NiceVPS team wish you the best for this new year and let's hope to say goodbye to COVID-19.

Start the year saving big with the hosting that respects you:
Use HAPPY2021 promo code for a 21% discount.
(valid on every order over €50 till 2021-01-05)

Service Status
No known issues. All systems are online
(Updates every 5 minutes)